Tuesday, September 7, 2010

07 Sep 2010

1) I'm grateful for the family experiences we had yesterday as we spent some time working together in the morning before loading up and heading to Lagoon, an amusement park, for a reward to our children for helping out around the house.  The kids really enjoyed their time there, and my wife and I enjoyed spending time with them making memories.

2) I'm thankful for the perfect weather (for me) yesterday.  There was hardly a cloud in the sky, yet the temperatures remained in the low to mid 70s.  There was an occasional small breeze and plenty of shade to be had, and it was pretty easy to warm up a bit by stepping into the sun and cool down a bit by staying in the shade.

3) I know I say this a lot, but I am thankful for the amazing woman that I have the great fortune to be married to.  She perseveres through trial and tribulation with a kindness, generosity, and humor that are unique and wonderful.  I couldn't be more blessed in my choice of companion.

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