Friday, September 3, 2010

03 Sep 2010

1) I'm thankful that my wife tries to enjoy the things that I enjoy.  She likes to spend time with me, so rather than resenting me for having interests outside of the things she already liked, she tries to learn about the things I like as well.  I need to make sure that I do the same for her.

2) I'm thankful that my wife and I both understand that there are things that only one of us is going to like, and that it is okay for her to have a girls night to watch chick flicks or okay for me to have a football party, as examples.  We try to support each other by making sure we have everything in place to allow the other to participate, and we also try to make sure that we don't let ourselves do so many things apart that we end up not spending enough time together.

3) I'm thankful that my wife and I have found common interests that neither one of us were aware of beforehand.  As much fun as learning something new is, it is even better when you can share it with your favorite person in the whole world and learn from what they are doing with it as well!

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