Monday, January 12, 2009

12 January 2009 Workout

Time: 6:45 AM
Weight beforehand: 354.9 lbs
Length: 15 minutes
Program: TPRU Twist
Elliptical Reported Calories Burned: 318
Rating: First, that seems like a larger than expected weight drop. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Second, I had an easier time trying to keep my speed higher during the resting periods of the workout, and I was only off my high number of calories burned by 4. Hopefully that's due to improved conditioning and health. If so, maybe I'm burning more calories when I'm not working out too!


spice2116 said...

that's an awesome weight drop but you still need to keep going you are not done yet :p

whenever i see a big weight drop i think oh i can take it easy but nope keep going

Joseph said...

Yeah, I certainly don't think that I can take it easier now. In fact, it's been my experience that, when I see a large drop like that, I will see a large portion of that weight back the next day (usually not all of it though).

It could be that I drank less water, or I ate less than normal and today I'll be a little hungrier, or something else. I just expect that tomorrow will bring a higher number.