Monday, August 30, 2010

30 Aug 2010

1) I'm thankful that my oldest son got to call us on the phone yesterday because he is doing well enough in his treatment program to have earned that privilege.  It was a joy for each of us to be able to talk to him, and I'm proud of his progress to this point.  He's a great kid!

2) I'm thankful for the opportunity to work and be able to improve my life situation through my efforts.  The USA is far from perfect, but I am aware of other countries with fewer freedoms and liberties, and thus fewer chances that someone who is not already near the top of the heap can work their way to a better future for themselves and their family.  I know from my experiences of not being able to do anything to help my wife in her physical pains just how demoralizing it is to know that there is NOTHING that you can do or control or influence that can make a difference in the situation.

3) I'm thankful for the joy that my wife and I share in the company of the other.  We're not always joyful, and we certainly have many of the same struggles as any other couple, but it is so comforting and relaxing to be able to know that the person that holds your heart has given you theirs to hold as well.  It makes it fun to talk, tease, play, work, and just be together.

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