Tuesday, August 24, 2010

24 Aug 2010

1) I'm thankful that my kids are excited about the first day of school and yet sad that they will be spending less time with our family.  We've had a rough year, but this past summer has seen a lot of lightening of the load, and it has been enjoyable to pull together as a family and enjoy each other during that time.  I believe we can continue to enjoy our family time during the school year as well.

2) I'm thankful for my education in regards to my career.  I know many people who have been very successful in their work without having a bachelor's degree or higher, and I've also seen some of those people struggling recently to either move from a bad job situation to a better one, or to get hired in a new position after downsizing.  I don't claim to be any smarter or more talented than these people, because I'm not.  I do have a bachelor's degree, and I believe that it is helping me during this difficult economic time.

3) I'm thankful for a loving Heavenly Father.  I know that He knows me personally, and that He loves me more than I can imagine.  I'm thankful that he provides me opportunities for growth and development in all areas of my life, and that He is a perfect role model for me to try to emulate as I deal with my children.

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