Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Lose

When we got back from Thanksgiving, there was a message on the answering machine from my doctor, with whom I'd had an appointment the day before Thanksgiving. He hadn't ever received my blood tests from back in March after my last appointment, and when I told him that at this appointment, he said he would get them.

The phone message said that I had more serious problems and that I needed to come in and see him again. We set up an appointment for this coming Monday. Well, my wife just told me that he called again today all upset that he hadn't heard back from me. Here's the essence of the conversation.

You have diabetes
I do?
Did you talk to (the doctor)?
He just called upset that he hadn't heard from you yet
He said that you have diabetes that we can't ignore
we cannot wait for you to lose the weight, even though that will probably correct it
Did you tell him that we've got an appointment?
He's glad you're coming in on Monday and wants me to pound into you how important this is

So, as of March, I have diabetes. Fun how I got to save finding out about it for a Christmas gift!


Phyllisa said...

The thing is, you haven't lost, yet. You just have to up your game. I love you! I'm not ready to let you lose, and I'm not ready to lose you. Thank you for working out this morning!

Joseph said...

I have to admit that part of the reason I chose the title "I Lose" is in hopes that it can come to mean that I lost weight and diabetes in the future. I haven't lost hope. :)

spice2116 said...

joe!!!! i would have to say it was a great Christmas gift for you!! if he waited any longer, say another year, it might not have helped. there is always hope and i look forward to hearing and reading your progress. you will lose weight

cindyc said...

I'm so sorry to hear the news. If I can do anything to help, let me know. One of my coworkers was in a similar situation in January, and had gastric bypass surgery and now his diabetes is gone; I'd be happy to put you in touch with him. Also, one book that has helped me a lot in my weight loss efforts is called "Volumetrics: How to feel full on fewer calories". Anyway, I sure love ya!

Joseph said...

I called my insurance company yesterday to see if there was any coverage for gastric bypass surgery. Our policy specifically does not cover obesity treatments of any kind, even for morbid obesity. I would have considered surgery if it were covered.

Thanks for your kind thoughts and words.