Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Weight and Health Update

I've had bronchitis for the past week or so, and on Friday I added an ear infection to it. I did see the doctor on Friday and got some medicine, and I seem to be on the mend again. I'm holding off on workouts until I stop coughing, though, because some of my coughs are pretty violent, and exercise would only exacerbate the problem.

In a positive side effect to this illness, I decided to weigh myself this morning. The scale said 348.7, which is the lowest I've seen since starting this blog! I'm melting, I'm melting!!!


spice2116 said...

gosh maybe you should get sick more often :p just kidding hope you are doing better

i think recording your workouts is awesome but keeping track of what you eat is even more important and might help on your journey :)

Joseph said...

Yes, I've noticed pretty significant weight loss each time I've been sick as well. It's even less fun to lose weight that way than working out, though. :)

You've touched on a point that I tend to get hung up on for some reason. Lots of my family have done Weight Watchers and other diets, and I've seen them tracking what they eat, and how many calories they consume, and how much each item of food weighs, and how many points they have left for the day, etc etc. Frankly, I would HATE to do something like that. It seems to consume a person's attention for the whole day, and what better way to feel hungry all day long than to be spending the whole day thinking about food and how much you've had and how much you can still have?

For me, keeping this blog makes me feel responsible to more than just myself for what I feel is the most important number, my weight. I'm okay with tracking that because I don't spend the whole day obsessing about it. I do try to be aware of the things I'm eating and how they affect my weight, but I do it on the level that fits my personality right now.

Sorry for the rant! I didn't mean for this to sound like an attack, just an explanation of who I am and how I roll. ;)

spice2116 said...

lol i like that. that's how you roll lol that saying always cracks me up

i was referring to it's easier to watch what you eat when it is on paper not necessarily sp? going all out into the weight watcher calorie watcher phase. i dont like doing that either.

no worries about ranting, that is what a blog is for.