Monday, November 22, 2010

22 Nov 2010

1) I'm thankful to be able to post another gratitude post to my blog.  Life has been pretty busy recently at work, at home, and at church.  Things have had to be cut, and my blog posts were one of them.

2) I'm thankful for kind, uplifting words.  I try to make sure that I feel good about myself, that my wife feels good about me, and that God feels good about me, and I try to let the rest go to the side.  That's pretty helpful (but hard) when criticisms come.  When praise or a pick-me-up comes, it's like finding $20 in a jacket pocket that you had forgotten about!  I just have to remember it's only $20, not a million, so my head doesn't get too big!

3) I'm thankful for the wonderful feeling that life was pretty much back to the way it was supposed to be, at least mostly, that I enjoyed Saturday evening and Sunday as my oldest son was able to spend the night with us.  His progress in his program continues, and he and the rest of us loved having him home with us.  We're looking forward to more of those in the near future!

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