Saturday, September 20, 2008

An Update on Work

Some of you may know that my employer has been going through a downturn with the rest of the industry. They have been requiring that we take shut down weeks, wherein we are required to take vacation time if we have it and unpaid time if we don't. Over the 54 week period from the week of Christmas 2007 through the week of New Years 2009, I will have been asked to take 7 weeks off while only earning 3 weeks of vacation.

This ends up being roughly 11 months of pay in 12 months, or a pay cut, or any other number of ways to look at earning less money than my base salary should be. This has caused me to look into other employment outside of my current industry.

I accepted an offer yesterday with a software consulting company. In addition to paying me every pay period (as far as I can tell so far, anyway), they are giving me a raise in my base salary of over 23%. It has been nice to feel wanted, but it's always that way at first. :)

I will not really miss the work I have been doing, but I will very much miss my co-workers. It has been a pleasure to associate with them, and I hope that my new co-workers will be as much fun.

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